Take the Traveler Responsibility Pledge

The magic of Lake Tahoe lies in the culture of our communities and the natural beauty that surrounds us. Before embarking on a journey to our beloved region, please take the Traveler Responsibility Pledge. We appreciate your commitment to preserving the natural wonders of the Sierra.

Share the pledge with your friends and family to help spread the word, or learn more about the pillars of the pledge through our videos below.

Take the Pledge
Become A Steward of Lake Tahoe
Respect the Environment
Stay Educated
Keep Wildlife Wild
Be Fire Safe
Demonstrate Mindful Travel

Become A Steward Of Lake Tahoe

Commit to exploring the Lake Tahoe region responsibly and help preserve our treasured spaces by leaving them better than you found them. Adhere to instructions and signage, rules are in place for your safety and the wellbeing of our environment. Lend a hand during one of our community clean-up days and volunteer through Lake Tahoe’s Ambassador program. Ride public transportation and support small businesses and events – tourism dollars help keep our communities vibrant and strong.

Respect The environment

Do your part to preserve Lake Tahoe’s natural beauty. Make sure to leave no trace by packing out what you brought in. Dispose of trash in designated receptacles, stay on trails so you don’t disturb the landscape and be mindful of your actions (and your pets!) to reduce your ecological footprint. Say no to plastic and bring your own reusable water bottle (and utensils!). Tahoe Tap is the best way to stay hydrated. We can all help take care.

Stay Educated

Check weather conditions and operational modifications by state (CA/NV) ahead of your visit and prepare in advance for outdoor experiences you plan to partake in to stay safe. Our Know Before You Go page includes travel tips, itinerary recommendations, safety protocols and more. Sign up for county and state text alerts and stay connected to travel advisories and emergency updates while you’re here.

Keep Wildlife Wild

Observe wildlife from a respectful distance to ensure their safety (and yours) and never feed wildlife. Feeding wildlife can be as direct as offering a bit of your lunch, to leaving your food or garbage exposed for animals to find. It may take just one experience for an animal to learn people = food. Wildlife depend on natural behavior for survival. Once a wild animal becomes food-conditioned it loses its natural fear of people and public places. Not feeding wild animals keeps you safe and the wildlife wild.

Be Fire Safe

Get prepared, informed and involved! Consult fire restrictions before lighting a campfire or starting a grill and know the permitting rules ahead of burning anything outdoors. Fireworks are not permitted in the Lake Tahoe Basin and when cooking outdoors, plan on propane or gas. When using charcoal or wood in approved areas, be sure to soak, stir and feel the ashes before disposing. Please maintain your vigilance and be prepared in the event of an emergency. Sign up for county and state text alerts and stay connected to travel advisories and emergency updates while you’re here.

Demonstrate Mindful Travel

Kindness goes a long way in our community. Locally owned businesses appreciate your patience and commitment to following health and safety protocols in their establishments. If an outdoor area looks too crowded, move on and explore a new location. Speak kindly to people you encounter on public lands and remember to be a good neighbor by keeping noise down and parking in designated areas. If you aren’t feeling well, please stay home. Travel with awareness and observe the impact of your actions – it takes all of us working together to create a healthy and positive Tahoe experience.

Experience all seasons in Tahoe

Things to do in Lake Tahoe during winter


Welcome to a one of kind, winter experience. Unified by 12 unique towns, the Lake Tahoe spirit of adventure will open up your mind and awaken your winter soul.

Things to do in Lake Tahoe during spring


Welcome to a destination where dual days thrive. Every spring day is elevated into an extraordinary experience.

Things to do in Lake Tahoe during summer


Lake Tahoe offers an ideal mix of lakeside leisure and on-mountain adventure. Our summer event calendar is loaded with live music and curated outdoor experiences.

Things to do in Lake Tahoe during fall


The vivid autumn colors, crisp mountain air and thinning crowds mark the beginning of Lake Tahoe’s breathtaking secret season.

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