Moon Dunes Beach
- 530-546-4212
- Hwy 28 near Pino Grande, Tahoe Vista, CA

Moon Dune Beach is the finest white sand beach in Lake Tahoe. The beach is located in the community of Tahoe Vista just off of North Lake Boulevard, across from the Rustic Cottages. Snow Creek flows through the site. Limited parking is available only along the highway. There are no developed facilities or garbage services; portable restrooms are provided in the summer on the west end of the site. Sorry, pets are never allowed at Moon Dune Beach.
If you plan to use this beach to launch your kayak, please visit and be sure that you follow proper precautions in order to protect Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe is a pristine alpine lake where clean boating and protection from Aquatic Invasive Species is the highest priority. Clean, Drain and Dry your watercraft after every use to ensure you are not transporting any nasty nuisances. After all, We’re All in This Boat Together!