Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center

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Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center

  • 775-784-4811
  • CA

See both a SkyDome 8/70TM large-format feature film and a planetarium star show at every public showing! The SkyDome experience will surround you with brilliant color and lifelike detail – truly an audiovisual experience like no other! Visit the Hall of the Solar System and you’ll see a collection of meteorites including all 4 of the ones ever recovered in the state of Nevada. One of them weighs a ton! You can also see 6-foot diameter globes of the Earth and Moon, a model of Stonehenge, and you can step on a scales and discover your weight on the Moon, Jupiter, or even a neutron star.

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Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center

Last updated: March 2024